The Last Piece of your Major League Puzzle

Did you know that even 1% dehydration can reduce your pitching accuracy or how quickly you pick up the ball? Want to know how else your nutrition is affecting your performance? Reach out!

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I'mĀ Kara Lynch, RD

As a licensed nutrition professional Kara has worked at FSU with baseball, softball and soccer, was the University of Delaware's first Dir. of Performance Nutrition, and recently finished a five-year tenure as Dir. of Performance Nutrition for the Minnesota Twins. Kara lived overseas in Dublin, Ireland where she started her PhD that she is currently preparing to defend on Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Female Divers and Coaches. Kara is also the Sports Nutrition Research Lead for a tech. company, Rise Nutrition. Kara is a certified level two anthropometrist specializing in body composition adjustments and trained in FODMAPs via Monash University. Kara is also a proud mom of 3-food loving children!

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